WS Audiology
Improved user experience in the purchase process by pooling individual user needs to create a cohesive overall concept aimed at conversion optimization.
The solutions offered by telecommunications provider M-net range from internet plans to TV products. As such, the check-out process for private customers is complex and extensive, forcing users to make lots of decisions and potentially abort their orders.
Optimizing user navigation and visually refocusing the checkout funnel streamlines decision-making processes for customers and ensures an optimum user experience in keeping with CI.
1. Preparing a rough concept: Workshops are run to prioritize solution principles, select check-out elements and conduct best-practice analyses, forming a basis on which to prepare an initial rough concept.
2. Experts & user tests: Establishing optimization potential based on interviews with experts and users.
3. Ideation & validation: Validating the concept and devising solutions.
4. Visual design: Making design adjustments in keeping with M-net’s CI.
5. Usability test: Qualitative user tests to establish a detailed concept for subsequent implementation.
June 2019-September 2020
9 Persons