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Thank you and have a Merry Christmas, hohoho


Kamila |

21. Dez. 2020 |

- min Lesezeit

Thank you and have a Merry Christmas, hohoho
The year is coming to an end. We don't want to do a classic review of the year but just quickly share some emotions with you. And above all we want to say: Thank you!

A very short message and some feelings we want to share with you

We are so grateful for this crazy year. Yes, it was different, but despite of all problems it was a good one. As everybody else we were not able to celebrate together. At least we had the possibility to surprise our colleagues with a small present and gratification dressed up as Christmas Elves and Santa Clauses. And of course, as every year we spend the whole day looking back, being proud and celebrating.

We say thank you

  • To our awesome colleagues: we indeed have a great team and it was again so much fun to work with all of you together, to deliver great customer experiences, launch products, discover and validate ideas. We are so happy that despite the remote work we still grew even more together as a DPM team, sharing our culture. And of course, thank you so much for your present. We are so happy to have this awesome team, we can´t wait to move on working together with you in 2021.

  • To our management team: this year we were also able to grow our management team and found new great colleagues. Why we are thankful : You’ve quickly settled in, taken on topics and projects on your own, and you’re up for any kind of nonsense. You share the same vision with us and bring DieProduktMacher forward with us.

  • To our customers: again we had the pleasure to work closely together with great companies. We were able to support the digitalization in defining and building successful digital products. We are so thankful for great cooperation on eye level, for the trust we experienced in every single project, for the open exchange. Thank you for this great year and we are so happy to move on with you in 2021. It´s so great to work with you.

  • Our partners and network: One thing was always clear to us but never proven to be so important as this year: our company is not a machine working in isolation but as with every living organism we live in a eco-system, we are part of a network and in the interaction with other companies - customers, partners, friends, suppliers - we deliver value. We help and got help, we collaborate, refine, use and re-use, discuss, support, create. And this time more than ever we want to say thank you to this huge, busy, supportive, exciting and surprising bee hive of people we love to work with.

So what´s left to say: we wish you happy holidays, be careful and stay healthy. We can not wait to see you again in 2021.

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