#newinteam #neu-im-team #uxdesign
27. Jan. 2020 |
- min Lesezeit
When I first decided to study mathematics I was attracted by many different topics in the scientific world, and I thought that keeping it abstract would have given me the chance to explore different applications in the future. That turned out to be a good intuition, as after my undergraduate studies I ended up doing a Ph.D. in a physics research institute, and after that being a Data Scientist at DieProduktMacher. In between I took part to a three months program called Digital Product School, where I found out that cross-functional teams that build innovative digital products are my habitat and I decided to continue working in this field.
During the Digital Product Schools we had the chance to meet some “ProduktMachers”, by taking part in a couple of workshop here at the office. Kamila, Robert, Andy, Eugenio and others shared their expertise on Lean Startup methods and Design Thinking with us, and the idea to become part of the team started to take form. I sent my application, and after a couple of weeks - during which I had the chance to meet the team and find out more about the company culture - I had no doubts: these were the people I wanted to work with! The combination of customers’ and internal projects seems to me like the perfect environment to start my career as data scientist, combining the possibility of learning and being creative.
It is true that data science is a big hype, and many people with no matter what scientific background end up working in this field. Although, I see the Data team here as something more than just a bunch of techies: it works in great synergy with the other teams (Product Management, UX-design, Tech), so that I would say that the right buzzword for our daily business is innovation, rather than AI. Data engineering and machine learning are part of the expertise of our diverse team, tools that we use to achieve the bigger goal of creating cool products that satisfy the client’s and user’s needs. I find this quote from Raymond Queneau particularly fitting and inspirational for times to come:
The real great history is that of inventions. They are the ones that determine history, at the bottom of statistical, biological and geographical data.