#digital log #podcast #vodcast
18. May 2022 |
- min Lesezeit
Especially in our hybrid post-covid world, workshops seem to be seen as inflationary wonder weapons of collaboration. After all, it has never been so easy to gather busy individuals around a digital whiteboard. But just because something became easy, it should not automatically be your method of choice.
In this episode of Digital Log by DPM, experienced workshop facilitators Benedict Schlag, Product Manager, and Robert Wagner, Senior Product Manager UX, discuss together with Carmen Lehmann, Senior Marketing Manager, when a workshop is a good idea and how to run it effectively.
Check out the full episode to make sure your next workshop won’t be just another blocker in the busy calendars of your participants.
You will learn:
The whole episode is available YouTube[(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogP0-0t4ABE&t=0s)] or Spotify ([https://spoti.fi/3ubNwKY ])(or wherever you get your podcasts).