#dpm #events #productmanagement
Announcement: just product Conference X DPM
At DPM, we've been passionate product managers for nearly a decade now. We believe that product mana...

Philipp Hoffmann
Our blog is where we share our insights on bringing together business and technology to drive positive change. Join us as we explore the latest trends, new ideas, and innovative solutions, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the digital world.
#dpm #events #productmanagement
At DPM, we've been passionate product managers for nearly a decade now. We believe that product mana...
Philipp Hoffmann
#dpm #newwork
Women in the EU earn 13% less than men for doing the same job. Not at DPM. We’ve been working on thi...
DieProduktMacher GmbH
#gender #gender sensitive des #inclusion
Gender equality is a topic that gets more and more attention within economics and politics. Finally!...
Elisabeth Friesinger
#leadership #culture #lessons learned
Wow, time has really flown by - it's been more than 10 years since we started our DPM journey. Durin...
DieProduktMacher GmbH
#ux #uxdesign #concept
As the world becomes increasingly reliant on mobile devices for everything from communication to ent...
#tech #frontend #team
Meet our colleague Florian Holzinger, who joined as a Software Engineer with the DieProduktMacher in...
#New in Team #new hire #team work
Meet our new colleague Anne-Kathrin Drotleff, who joined DieProduktMacher in the UX-Department and M...
Anne-Kathrin Drotleff
#Service Designer #service design & concept #service design
Hey, that's me: Robert. I work as a Senior Digital Product / Service Designer at DieProduktMacher (D...
#culture #team #leadership
We founded DPM 10 years ago. Looking back, I could never have imagined what’s been possible. Firstly...
Kamila Stanitzek
#prototyping #vodcast #digital log
Imagine you have a great product idea. Your first impulse might be to get going and start building i...
Michael Bröckl